Friday, September 24, 2010

For Our Favorite Gal From Hanoi

After more than 40 years...the Vietnam Veterans of the United States of America raised a phenomenal amount of money to memorialize another one of Hollywood's American citizens

This memorial says it all!
I get teary eyed when I see this.

She went out of her way to aid and abet the enemy and congratulate them on their treatment of U.S. POW'

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Witch and the Communist

Isn't amazing how the Dems are trying to derail Christine O'Donnell over something she did when she was in high school? Look at the "dabbling" the left wing has been involved in since, well since the early 1900s at least. Let's also take a look at her opponent, Chris Coons, a self-proclaimed Marxist aka Communist. If I was Christine O'Donnell, I would hammer on the fact that her opponent is a Communist and also state that we already have one in the Senate name of Bernie Sanders. So, my take is this; a choice between a "witch" or a Communist. I pick the "witch".